After accidentally missing last Saturdays 8 a.m. hair appointment, I am incredibly excited and hopeful that I can make tomorrows 9 a.m. one. I refuse to take full responsibility for last weeks miss though. It was my foster dogs fault, Tilly. I have come to rely on her for my wake up call which will put me in an incredibly shitty situation in the future when she finds her real home(permanent forever home). I will probably cry like a baby because I miss her and be pissed at the same time because now I will have to set my alarm. Besides the point. I would say everyday normally Tilly wakes me up every morning at around 6:30 - 7:00 a.m. with loud and excessive growling and barking. She wants me to get up because...HELLO she needs to use the restroom and it's time to eat. But last Saturday when it was crucial that I wake up, what does she decide to do? Sleep in. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?! I can't. I casually woke up and rolled over to look at my phone and when it said 8:20 I was in utter disbelief. The whole point of this story is I get to have a redo and attempt to get my hair colored tomorrow. Now my next predicament, if I make it to my appointment, is what color. Thoughts?
After three years of working I am no longer a marketing assistant. As of Monday I am now a marketing specialist. What does this mean? Nothing really, I am doing the same job I was before but with a better title and at a slightly higher pay. What is even worse is I have yet to celebrate and don't know when I will get the chance because Sunday night I fly out to Vegas for work. Everyone is normally like "oh Vegas awful" in a sarcastic tone but in all seriousness I work probably from 9 am till 9-10 that night. Not a whole lot of partying for me. I am beginning to think I might be the worlds lamest 26 year old. I promise that in the very near future I will get a life and it will be fun and hilarious! One that would make my younger college-aged self proud and maybe add some fun to this here blog. Although I did get down to 80's music pretty hardcore this past weekend. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos to prove that I am usually not a stick in the mud. But I'll leave you with this video that depicts what my stellar moves looked like.
Totally kidding! It was more like this.....
Traveling, I love it and I hate it these days. Now maybe it might be a little better to categorize my travels, after all, I am sure some would agree that traveling for work is a bit different than traveling for pleasure. Let me break down the pros and cons of both.
Pros of work travel
Currently most of my travel has been for work. However, my great vacation to Macchu Pichu has been postponed so what am I to look forward to? The Kentukcy Derby with some of my favorite people, Mary Catherine and Patrick, and maybe a few smaller vacations around the good Ol' U.S of A. I say this now but with how things have been shaking out lately my new set of plans might change. Las Vegas for work next week is a go though.
Pros of work travel
- I don't spend my own money
- I sometimes get to go to new places
- A mini vacation from my normal routine
Cons of work travel
- I get out of my really great home routines
- Sometimes the beds aren't all that great
- I miss my dogs
- It's harder to get work things done from a distance
- Oh and your working while on this fake mini vacation
Pros of traveling for pleasure
- It's always somewhere I want to be
- It can be relaxing
- Letting loose
- Seeing and experiencing the place you are in
- Soaking up new culture
- Sightseeing
Cons of traveling for pleasure
- Miss my dogs
I ran to work this morning. Yes, you read that right. I got up at around 5:30 a.m. feeling anxious thinking am I really going to do this? But I did it! I strapped my backpack on and took off into the morning darkness thinking ugh, while my I pod was blaring Sweet Nothing by Florence Welch. You would think it would be easier to jam out and run but somehow it still doesn't make it any more pleasant.
Did I run slow? Yep! Did my calves kill me? Of course. Did my feet go numb? Well, yes they did. Will I be doing this more? Probably not till I can actually get this whole calf problem under control. Great way to start a Friday though, plus, I get to go drink a few brewskis tonight and not feel guilty about it.
Did I run slow? Yep! Did my calves kill me? Of course. Did my feet go numb? Well, yes they did. Will I be doing this more? Probably not till I can actually get this whole calf problem under control. Great way to start a Friday though, plus, I get to go drink a few brewskis tonight and not feel guilty about it.
I think I may have slightly overdone it with the amount of activities I have signed up for. Sunday I had two indoor soccer games we won one and lost one. Monday I started ultimate frisbee and we had no female subs so I played for two hours then I had to go play an outdoor soccer game. Get this after the game I got asked to join another soccer team. Oh and Wednesday I had kickball. I need to learn how to say no and not feel incredibly guilty. If I keep this up there will be little down time and a whole lot of sports...I mean if I only I wasn't such an incredible athlete.
I am squeezinge in a little fun like drinks and dinner with friends while still managing to have a mini melt down this week. The rescue I foster and volunteer for called, long story, but I thought I was going to have to rehome Tilly and take in two new boxers. I guess I hadn't realized how attached I had grown to my little pack. I am happy to report that she will be staying with me a while longer though.
In honor of Miss Tilly, below is a picture of me doing "the Tilly" as my family calls it. She is one special little doggy.

I have spent my first Saturday at home doing absolutely nothing. While I would think this would have been a brilliant plan to just relax and recuperate I was met with a feeling of pure exhaustion and a headache. I am only home for two more weeks till I am out of town for a week. I really need to start making the best of it. After all it is St.Patrick's day tomorrow and I am slightly Irish...although everyone pretends they are Irish these days.
Good news is that I am back to my old routine tomorrow - two soccer games and cleaning the house. Monday I have jury duty then the start of ultimate frisbee then my outdoor soccer game and don't forget a lot of stuff going on at work. Exciting stuff I tell you!
Next thing I need to tackle when I get the chance is a dating life. I'll be needing some luck. It is impossibly hard to meet someone with everything I have going on. I assume it is that way for other people but I can't seem to locate them. The people I have dated are, putting it nicely, interesting at least my family and friends get a laugh out of it. Anyone got any suggestions on how to meet people these days?
Today: information overload but in a good way. It has reminded me to reevaluate and reassess my 2013 goals and shift my daily activities accordingly. While I slowly make progress, I tend to let things distract me which isn't beneficial. A little motivation and swift kick in the ass is what I need and I feel like I am getting plenty of that right now.
If anything SXSW has taught me, so far, to create. What do I do in my life that challenges me to create my tomorrow? Here it seems everyone is challenging and creating a world for their future something with which they are extremely passionate about. As Danny Harris from Story Social put it "what would you fight for?"
I will be pondering this concept the rest of my time here. Hopefully some of my creativity and passions will start to come across on this blog.
As I have stated recently in my blog posts life isn't always wonderful and bad things happen and when they do my heart breaks as it is now for one of our close family friends. It isn't always easy to be happy and positive but somehow with the right approach things can become less terrible and almost bare-able.
Happiness is something I have been working at a lot lately. My general demeanor is usually not a positive one but it's also not a negative one. I would venture to say I have a realistic approach which seems most times to end up looking negative.
At the beginning of this year I started faking a positive attitude. Eventually, I am not sure when, I just realized it had worked. I have become happier and developed a more positive attitude. Don't get me wrong I am still the same sarcastic person with a sense of the real world approach to life but now with a twist.
Who knows this sense of happiness could be do to the fact that I joined 3 soccer teams and a ultimate frisbee league and a kickball team and am starting to feel like my old self again. Or it could be that I am now looking at situations and trying to make the best of what has been laid before me. Whatever the case I feel like I am in a good place now. A place where I am able to deal with whatever comes my way and still see a light on the horizon.
Reading some of the other bloggers out there that I love makes it easier too. Some of them have incredible ways of looking at life and I really admire them for it. Plus it helps that I have sort of gotten my family on board with this whole approach. Support matters and I am thankful and grateful I have that in my life.
Happiness is something I have been working at a lot lately. My general demeanor is usually not a positive one but it's also not a negative one. I would venture to say I have a realistic approach which seems most times to end up looking negative.
At the beginning of this year I started faking a positive attitude. Eventually, I am not sure when, I just realized it had worked. I have become happier and developed a more positive attitude. Don't get me wrong I am still the same sarcastic person with a sense of the real world approach to life but now with a twist.
Who knows this sense of happiness could be do to the fact that I joined 3 soccer teams and a ultimate frisbee league and a kickball team and am starting to feel like my old self again. Or it could be that I am now looking at situations and trying to make the best of what has been laid before me. Whatever the case I feel like I am in a good place now. A place where I am able to deal with whatever comes my way and still see a light on the horizon.
Reading some of the other bloggers out there that I love makes it easier too. Some of them have incredible ways of looking at life and I really admire them for it. Plus it helps that I have sort of gotten my family on board with this whole approach. Support matters and I am thankful and grateful I have that in my life.
In finding my old cooler self I might have gotten a little off track with this whole blogger thing I was going for this year. Oops. However, I have been trying to add more instagrams and tweets. Geez you would think this whole social media thing would get easier but they just keep adding more and more new ways to interact with everyone.
So if you are interested in following more bits and pieces of my life check me out on:
Instagram: @kindestregardsmccg
Twitter: @MCCG6
I am sure I will be doing a lot of both at SXSW.
Been testing out the GoPro a friend lent me to do some filming for work this next week. Kind of want one now.
So if you are interested in following more bits and pieces of my life check me out on:
Instagram: @kindestregardsmccg
Twitter: @MCCG6
I am sure I will be doing a lot of both at SXSW.
Been testing out the GoPro a friend lent me to do some filming for work this next week. Kind of want one now.