3/26/2013Traveling, I love it and I hate it these days. Now maybe it might be a little better to categorize my travels, after all, I am sure some would agree that traveling for work is a bit different than traveling for pleasure. Let me break down the pros and cons of both.
Pros of work travel
- I don't spend my own money
- I sometimes get to go to new places
- A mini vacation from my normal routine
Cons of work travel
- I get out of my really great home routines
- Sometimes the beds aren't all that great
- I miss my dogs
- It's harder to get work things done from a distance
- Oh and your working while on this fake mini vacation
Pros of traveling for pleasure
- It's always somewhere I want to be
- It can be relaxing
- Letting loose
- Seeing and experiencing the place you are in
- Soaking up new culture
- Sightseeing
Cons of traveling for pleasure
- Miss my dogs