Ryan to Morocco.


My brother, Ryan, left for Morocco yesterday. I was talking to my mom on the phone as he was going through airport security so I got the play by play. It went something like this.

Mom: Oh no, he hasn't left yet he is going through security now.
Me: That is great tell him I said to have fun, bye and I love him.
Mom: This is embarrassing.
Me: What is?
Mom: He is holding up the line! He doesn't even have any of his stuff in the plastic ziplocs like he is supposed to and he is pulling all of this crap out of his bag.
Me: Well Mom this is his first time traveling out of the country.
Mom: People in line are just going around him. He is the worst traveler ever.
Me: That's ok at least they are smart enough to go around.
Mom: I can't watch this. What is he doing now...don't put your bag through like that. Does he even know that it is a conveyer belt. All of the belts on his bag are going to get caught. 
Me: Haha.
Mom: He is standing there watching his bags all the way through you can go through now. Caitlin you would hate traveling with Ryan he doesn't know what he is doing. 
Me: Ha mom this is his first big trip remember. Ha. I'll let you go and talk to you later.

Don't worry everyone he made it through security. He sent me a text before he boarded for his flight to Paris. I am so excited for him and his adventure that he is embarking on. I just hope he can finish the 150 mile race across the Sahara safely. Maybe next time he travels I'll give him the basic tips for traveling to make life a little easier. 

*My mom and I have been lucky enough to travel overseas about six plus times. We like efficient travelers and those that can navigate their way through security with ease. It is sometimes difficult for us to watch. 

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