Urban Slimfitters.


My work is having a biggest loser competition, our team name is the Urban Slimfitters. I decided to join at the last minute with a couple of the coworkers in my department. I have been trying to get back in shape and the good thing about this is it will keep me accountable. I really need to get healthy first though, my body that is. I have a slight problem of trying to jump right in and end up doing too much too fast. I guess you might say I can be a bit of an extremist - all or nothing type attitude. Anyways, I hurt my foot and on top of that my calves are starting to get agitated again. You could say it was perfect timing too! I was just beginning to not mind running, you know? Just running not chasing something like a ball or frisbee. Shock and Awe! (insert jaw drop) I am hoping for that same reaction when I put on my swimsuit. The good shock and awe though not the dear lord I am now blind from having to look at that shock and awe.

Here is looking at you, kid.

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