Haaslin Roadtrip 2014.
8/10/2015A year ago Alex and I took a week long trip to the Smoky Mountains to find a new place to call home. When it came to prospect cities we had a few things in mind small city, plenty of nature and mountains, close to an airport, and it must have opportunities for Alex and I both to thrive. Lists and rating helped us clarify what we wanted. It also helped guide us to cross certain cities off our list and revisit others that we enjoyed.
On our ten day road trip we camped, we froze, we drove, we got on each others nerves and in the end we found ourselves excited about our future and our new city, Chattanooga.
I am curious how others determine where to move. The standard question and thought was "What made you move to Chattanooga, a job?" Do people move mostly for jobs or is anyone moving simply for a change of pace and scenery?