Hello, It's Me?


I moved to Chattanooga and became a completely different person. I might be exaggerating a smidge. It all started last week when I took a quiz to see who my political candidate would be. When I got my results I was surprised. I then surprised myself again over lunch telling my coworkers I was no longer eating pig because they reminded me of boxer nubins and were incredibly smart animals. I LOVE ham and bacon. Then I caught myself in a conversation with my brother and mother talking about the year I was going to get married even though no proposal has happened. When did I become so pragmatic?

A mini melt down might have occurred. But then I realized how awesome these changes are. Ok, so I might be going more of a vegetarian route these days. Is it really that surprising? I love animals and frankly with the health changes I am trying to make vegetarian options are pretty damn delicious and cheap. 

And yes, I might be leaning a little more democratically than I thought but I am also taking more of active role in knowing the political climate. This means not just listening to the opinions of friends but doing my own research and becoming more informed about how I feel on issues. 

Lastly, I am extremely grateful I am no longer wishing/hoping to be proposed to. Four years ago, I would have thought to talk financials and kids but I wouldn't have thought about budgets, five or ten year plans,or individual goals and wants. Those things matter. Having those talks with Alex has put us even more on the same page and a future with him feels significantly more stable than any other serious relationship I have had. Knowing we want a wedding then kids and knowing the goals we are trying to achieve now helped us find a year to get married. And somewhere in between then, a proposal. Or break up. I mean life is crazy you never know.

These changes that seemed so sudden are just magnified now that I have the time to self examine. I really like who I am becoming. A feminist, who eats a lot less meat, and isn't looking for prince charming to sweep me off my feet because I am capable on my own. I am woman hear me ROAR, right?

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