Fresh Start


I have spent my first Saturday at home doing absolutely nothing. While I would think this would have been a brilliant plan to just relax and recuperate I was met with a feeling of pure exhaustion and a headache. I am only home for two more weeks till I am out of town for a week. I really need to start making the best of it. After all it is St.Patrick's day tomorrow and I am slightly Irish...although everyone pretends they are Irish these days.

Good news is that I am back to my old routine tomorrow - two soccer games and cleaning the house. Monday I have jury duty then the start of ultimate frisbee then my outdoor soccer game and don't forget a lot of stuff going on at work. Exciting stuff I tell you!

Next thing I need to tackle when I get the chance is a dating life. I'll be needing some luck. It is impossibly hard to meet someone with everything I have going on. I assume it is that way for other people but I can't seem to locate them. The people I have dated are, putting it nicely, interesting at least my family and friends get a laugh out of it. Anyone got any suggestions on how to meet people these days?

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